What are CTSOs

Mississippi Collegiate CTSOs

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)

Each Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) is recognized or chartered through the Mississippi Community College Board by the respective National CTSO. As such, national policies and guidelines are used as the framework for developing Mississippi’s CTSO policies and procedures.

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) are student-governed organizations with leadership programs and competitive events, which reflect current curriculum standards and competencies for the instructional programs they serve within Career, Technical, Academic, and Agricultural Education. CTSOs are key components to strong CTE programs. CTSOs integrate into Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and courses to extend teaching and learning through innovative programs, business and community partnerships, and leadership experiences at the school, state, and national levels.


CTSOs develop character, citizenship, and the technical, leadership, and teamwork skills essential for the workforce and further education. CTSO activities are considered an essential part of the instructional day when directly related to course competencies and objectives. CTSOs are committed to the growth of students in all CTE career pathways and CTSOs play an integral role in preparing students to become college and career ready.

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) defines a CTSO as “an organization for individuals enrolled in a CTE program that engages in career and technical education learning experiences as an integral part of the instructional program.” CTSOs are co-curricular experiences that build upon content learned during the instructional day. CTSO learning experiences must directly correlate to what is taught in the classroom and must provide the opportunity for students to apply academic and technical content to career experiences.

Co-curricular or extracurricular activities such as CTSOs are essential to the educational process to support the success of learning, and students who participate in such activities engage in additional learning experiences that support student achievement.

(Jones, K. 2018)